26 August, 2014

RWA 2014

So this is weeks late. RWA was at the end of July and I'm only getting around to blogging about it now. Real life sucks sometimes. Anyway.

I was worried that RWA was going to be difficult because I am no longer comfortable in large crowds and I really don't get out by myself. The things is, this is a conference filled with people who do the exact same thing that you do. It's hard to not be comfortable around them. The number one question you get asked is what you write. Of course, there didn't seem to be many people there who write gay romance. People that I talked to told me that I was the only one they had met. I'm hoping in future years there will be more inclusive talks.

And yes, I am absolutely planning on going back next year. In fact, it was after my very first talk that I decided this. And maybe one year down the road I'll even give my own talk. Probably not, but I do plan on going every year now. It was a lot of fun and I learned a lot. And it felt good to do this too.

Let's see. First night I was there was the day of the big Literary Signing. I got to meet Eloisa James. She is by far my favorite historical romance author. And she is super sweet. I spent more than a few minutes just talking to her. She was amazing.

Eloisa James

Thursday was the first day of talks. These went on through Saturday. Most talks I went to were excellent and informative, but there were some that weren't worth it. There was even one I walked out on. Overall though they were awesome. 

I am top left with the bag on my lap. Heh. 

Thursday night Amazon threw us a part. I must say, Amazon knows how to treat a lady. Chocolate, wine, and cowboys. I'm not even kidding. It would have been nice if they had cowgirls to take pictures with as well. I so would have done that. 

And yeah. That's what the cowboys were there for. So there was one cowboy walking around the party room and he was going up to women to take pictures with them. When he came over to the group I was sitting with, I talked to him a bit. When they called him for the gig they didn't tell him what it was. They just told him to dress in his cowboy clothes. So imagine his surprise when finds out he's basically eye candy for hundreds of women. And some men. There were some men at the conference. Can't remember if any of them were at the party. 

Cowboy I talked to.

And then there was the little photobooth station where you got to take pictures with cowboys and props. Yeah. That was fun. 

And then I complained to hubby when he didn't send me pictures of the kitties. So he sent me these.



And then I came home. Completely exhausted but incredibly happy. But then I had to deal with the pile of stuff from RWA.

Io is helping.

And I think that's all. I really can't wait to go back next year. It's in New York!

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