02 September, 2014

Recent Reads (8)

Well, I was supposed to read a lot of Strange Chemistry books this past month. Good intentions and all but I only managed to read one and start another. However, I have purchased all of these books and will continue reading them. I read a lot of review books this past month and also started my Percy Jackson reread in preparation for The Blood of Olympus. I'm woefully behind on that too. Yikes.

Trial by Fire by Josephine Angelini- What if there was a world where witches survived the trials in Salem and are now rulers? I loved this story. It was beautifully written. Breathtaking, really. The magic and the characters were fantastic.

Cracked by Eliza Crewe- This book was hilarious. Meda is such a fantastic character. But it's not just hilarious. It makes you feel a lot of things too. Really just a wonderful book.

Along Came a Duke by Elizabeth Boyle- Fun and romantic with wonderful chemistry between Preston and Tabitha.

Bliss by Lisa Henry- Dark. So wonderfully dark. And creepy. Chips that make people slaves. Will be hard for some people to read, but fantastic if you can.

Flight of Magpies by K.J. Charles- This book actually doesn't come out until the end of October but that's okay because if you haven't read the first two yet, you need to. This series is fantastic. The chemistry between Lucien and Stephen is explosive. These two could rule the world. Or destroy it. I think they might be one of my favorite couples ever.

Sweetwater by Lisa Henry- Such a sweet story that left a smile on my face. But it's not all sweet. However, that just makes the ending all the more sweeter. There's some dub-con that's hard to get through. Worth it though.

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