01 June, 2015

Short Story Release And Randomness And Why I've Been Away From Social Media

Hey! I have a short story out today. Coffee, Pop, and Bisexuality is out today as part of Dreamspinner Press' Daily Dose Anthology. You can buy the full anthology here, or you can buy just my story here. Don't you just love that cover? So sweet.

Out of the stories I've published so far, I would have to say that this one is my favorite. These two guys make me laugh and aww. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!

If you follow me on social media you would have noticed an absence this past month. That low in my depression that I was working through got really low. I honestly don't remember much from the month. I know I did some knitting and reading. At least I remember what I read. Yeah. It got pretty bad there. It was not fun. I think that might have been my lowest low. It's really hard to compare this low to the low I was in when I actually have to leave the house for a job. I'm slowly pulling out of it here, and have even been on social media a bit, but I'm definitely not at my best right now. 

Other things. Let's see. Lightning made the finals!! Hell yeah. The rest of season three of The Following did not disappoint. I was surprised. However, at the very ending of the show I would have changed one tiny thing. I would have had a certain someone walk out with that other certain someone. They're in this together now. In a way. Texas has been dealing with floods which has been super fun. Hubby and I have been lucky. We live in an area that has been safe from the flooding. We were under a couple of tornado warnings though and that was rough. 

As far as writing goes... I had two short stories rejected recently. One of them I just knew was going to be rejected. It's this odd little story that doesn't really fit in anywhere. I will have to do research and see if I can find a place for it. I might just put it up here for free. We shall see. I've also decided to focus on my dolphin shifter novella for the rest of the year instead of anymore short stories. I'd really like to have dolphin shifter submitted before the end of the year. I would also love if during this revision I'm working on now it turned into a novel. I'm actually really excited to start this revision and that's a good thing. It's one of the few times I've been genuinely excited this year. And after this past month, it feels really good to be excited about this.

And last, but definitely not least, congratulations Caitlyn Jenner! You are stunning and you are an inspiration. I'm so proud. And so happy. As are you. As you should be.

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